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A CHP officer assists some good Samaritans with the rescue of 10 adorable puppies abandoned during a ferocious storm
PA State Troopers rescue a bald eagle struck by a vehicle
Court rules that the behavior of the dog, and the subject’s failure to control the dog, could lead a reasonable officer to perceive the dog as an imminent threat
Video shows camels walking on the highway along with zebras standing next to LEOs
The officer sent a lifeline to the man via his dog, Ruby, who carried it across the ice
“Due to the bobcat’s injuries, the animal was docile and surrendered to the help the deputy was providing,” the Lee County Sheriff’s Office stated
“No beavers or officers were injured,” a spokesperson for the Bartlett Police Department said
“They commit seemingly random acts of vandalism while besmirching the reputation of our local youth.”
It took about eight people, including one sergeant and two deputies, to move the 12-foot, 600-pound gator
Police officers eventually cornered the animal in a fenced lot about 3 miles away from the Newark Penn Station
K-9 bear died in September 2022 after being left in a patrol vehicle for 22 hours without food or water
“He had no concern for traffic and no regard for our traffic safety laws,” Detective Sgt. Bob Jones said
Police used a dog snare to help “Rudolph,” who did not appear to be seriously injured, out of the building the same way he got in
“Officers today see a lot of hard stuff on the road and on the jobs that they do, so [C.J.] serves to support them and help me whenever I’m providing mental health treatment,” an official said
“Bane did a wonderful job working for us. I cannot explain enough how much Bane did for this community,” said Sedgwick County Sheriff Jeff Easter
Police rescued the puppy, who has since been adopted
The driver of the truck was uninjured and the piglets were picked up by another trailer
The move will put more officers on patrol, saving the department in officer overtime pay
The department is in the process of searching for “host families” to keep cat deputies across the city
“He acted independently [and] committed multiple policy violations in his decision to euthanize [Annie the deer],” Chief Mario RedLegs said
The dog will serve as a seizure response dog for Kynadee, Chief Delvon Campbell’s 9-year-old daughter
The department said “Zena,” a black Labrador, is on the mend
“Even though the deer didn’t pause to say thank you, we’re sure it’s appreciative,” the department said
“To make it worse, I think there’s a bee hive right here somewhere,” one of the officers says as he reaches to cut one of the ropes
“He’s ready to go to work,” Officer Jay Hatfield said. “And the supervisors know, as long as he’s ready to go, I’m going to be bringing him”
The bird was caught loitering on an apartment’s front porch and attempted to flee when officers arrived at the scene
The pursuit, which lasted for 10 miles, reached speeds of about 19 miles per hour; the man attempted to flee on foot while carrying the dog but was apprehended in a parking lot
“There’s hornets everywhere,” an officer can be heard saying on the video with the wasps visibly crawling on his uniform and skin
Enrique Sanchez-Arias was booked into the Sonoma County jail on suspicion of felony possession and transportation of a controlled substance
Police say the lemur has been connected with a local wildlife rescue agency where it will be “well cared for and loved”
The settlement also allowed former Bedford Heights Officer Ryan Kaetzel the opportunity to buy K-9 Bosco
Officer Stephen Burres has handled about 50 snakes during his tenure with the department
Irvine police said the puppy made a “pretty quick turnaround"; the owner said this was the second time the dog had overdosed