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Autism Spectrum Disorders

In the past two decades, autism diagnoses have increased by nearly 300%. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 1 in 54 children have an autism diagnosis. The Autism Spectrum Disorders topic provides information on how police can recognize the signs of autism and effectively approach a person on the autism spectrum to minimize risk to both individuals and police officers. Learn the common characteristics of autistic people, review 5 tips to guide officers during interactions with autistic persons and be inspired to create autism sensory kits that will help calm autistic persons.

Having the appropriate range of tools and training helps guarantee the best outcome for all parties
During a time of scarce fiscal resources, thinking outside of the box can help agencies fund special projects
Typical police procedures combined with characteristics of autism can cause misunderstandings that result in a negative interaction
The bill develops ongoing training to help officers recognize the behavior of autistic individuals, as well as to teach officers how to respond appropriately
Jim and Doug also highlight ways LEOs can bring a pursuit to a safe conclusion and explore issues related to contact with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) subjects
Officer helped find the teen’s inflatable ghost tree
You will encounter an ASD subject at some point — likely more than once — and those individuals will have a different response to police than “the usual suspects”