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Cell phone

The Kyocera DuraForce PRO cellphone is uniquely qualified to meet cops’ needs
Established and emerging social media tools make getting the word out about smartphone theft prevention easier than ever
The market’s highest-powered mobile router is available through the AT&T Business sales channel and helps ensure connectivity for financial institutions, datacenters, and more
Combining multiple functions into one device can make cops’ jobs faster, easier
The app, called Safe Stop, works on a two-way connection where the driver would start the call with the deputy after being pulled over
Busting the myths surrounding live social media collection and analysis
The Warren County Communications Center has received six calls generated by iPhones while their users were riding a Kings Island coaster
When you are dealing with someone in crisis, you must make contact with them so you can begin to build a rapport
The ruling recommends law enforcement agencies adopt protocols to pull data from the devices under more narrow parameters
The communications platform for first responders went live in 2017 and currently has three million users nationwide
Simply say, “Bystander, record,” and the video will go straight to Tallahassee Police
CopLine and Cop2Cop offer 24/7 confidential support from trained helpline workers
The department is switching over from Nokia phones to iPhones as they combat crime in the digital age
Says feature that lets drivers warn others about nearby cruisers not only presents a threat to safety, but also interferes with ability to write tickets
Leaders of the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee said Wednesday they were seeking answers from the Obama administration about federal law enforcement’s use of surveillance technology
Despite its attention-grabbing name, developer says “Driving While Black” app will provide common sense advice to motorists of all races on how to safely interact with police during traffic stops
FBI Director James Comey warned in stark terms Thursday against the push by technology companies to encrypt smartphone data and operating systems
Cited child-kidnapping and terrorism cases as two examples of situations where quick access by authorities to information on cellphones can save lives
Apple said Wednesday that it is making it impossible for the company to turn over data from most iPhones or iPads to police — even when they have a warrant
William Bratton said Monday that people captured on video appearing to interfere with arrests are making it harder to apprehend suspects and should stop meddling
Officers are being briefed during roll calls, new procedures are in place, and prosecutors are considering the effect on potentially thousands of pending court cases
Unanimous Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that police may not generally search the cellphones of people they arrest without first getting search warrants
Vermont became the first to offer the technology statewide Monday
Police spokeswoman took provocative videos and photos of herself and sent them to a subordinate officer she was in a relationship with
With 6 billion texts exchanged daily in the U.S., officers are increasingly being called upon to defuse violent situations through the typed word
High school student who was kicked out of school Friday refused to leave, then punched a school resource officer in the face
After fatally shooting a Seattle man for his cellphone, police say the teen fled to a friend’s home where he complained the phone “was not a nicer model”
Civil liberty advocates have raised concerns about the proposed law’s constitutionality