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Corrections Training

The Corrections Training topic features a range of training videos, tips and expert columns to help correctional officers better equipped and prepared for the dangers of dealing with violent inmates and detainees.

Officers must keep their minds sharp and be able to analyze situations quickly and effectively so that they—and their colleagues—return home safely
Correctional breachers know hardened prison structures require mechanical tools that are not often used in the residential breaching world
In addition to detecting contraband, close visual inspections of detainees before their admission permit the identification of any communicable diseases as well as gang affiliations
Founder: “In seven years we’ve had people try and no one can get out of our cuffs”
Georgia’s stockpile of the drug has been a target of death row inmates and capital punishment critics due to connection with an alleged ‘fly-by-night’ supplier
Gov. Pat Quinn also commuted the sentences of all 15 inmates remaining on death row, who will now serve live in prison
Effective programs start with strong, consistent philosophies