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Defensive Tactics

Police1’s State of the Industry survey highlights the bleak effects of understaffing on officer safety – here are some strategies officers can use to prevail
Many recruits across the country are required to have wrestling shoes – but why do so many throw their shoes away when they graduate from the police academy?
“Officers should have an hour of hands-on training a week.”
When making an arrest, a cohort of the suspect may grab you in this manner to enable their friend’s escape from you
This three-step technique can be a lifesaver for surviving a stranglehold
There is one New Year’s resolution that should be on every officer’s list ‒ to increase the time you dedicate to training this coming year
From the LEOSA Reform Act to police use of CBD oils, here are some of the most popular Policing Matters podcasts of the year
Keep these vital components to self-defense in mind during close-combat fighting
When someone tells you they aren’t going back to jail that is a clue there will likely be a fight
There are potential safety issues and training scars associated with the traditional scissor sweep technique
It’s crucial to do what your attacker doesn’t expect in order to prevail in a deadly confrontation
To survive their police career, officers should strengthen every point of the survival triangle
Street Survival II delivers sound guidance on a variety of topics that are relevant to today’s street cop
Force-on-force training is valuable when realistic but can be fraught with danger if not done with a laser focus on safety
This is potentially the worst position for officers because they are subject to chokes and strikes to the back of the head
When hospital staff request an officer uncuff a violent suspect, the officer finds himself in a fight for his life
Retaining a firearm is of critical importance for an officer; here’s how to secure your firearm when a subject reaches with a cross grab
Ending up on the ground means a higher chance of being disarmed by an assailant – this video shows officers how to win in this scenario
Officers need to consciously evaluate the threat presented and the distance available, and prioritize what they need to do first
It’s important to keep your knowledge of these tactics sharp
Agencies must do everything possible to enhance current subject control training programs; they owe it to their officers and their communities
In LE, we spend much more time emphasizing instruction and not nearly enough on the actual coaching of our officers to improve their decision-making skills
How can police conduct training that is as close to reality as possible, but still safe enough that injuries are minimized?
The critics have the benefit of hindsight — 20/20 vision seen through the lens of a smartphone — not the sworn duty to quickly resolve violent confrontations
As instructors teaching defensive tactics, we have an obligation to teach our students techniques that are effective and don’t result in unnecessary injuries