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Financial Planning

This is the true measure of financial success in law enforcement: being able to enjoy retirement in great physical and mental shape
I hope that by shining a light on some of the misguided advice I received, I can help other officers avoid making similar mistakes
All too often police officers put themselves in unnecessary financial strain, causing them to have to work a ton of overtime or even get a side job
Many public safety employees experience a type of identity crisis when they leave the job – here are some ways to cope
The sheriff announced that he has ceased law enforcement services because the department hasn’t received payment for expenses
Smaller law enforcement agencies often face an uphill battle due to limited resources
Here are some unique grant funding sources to consider for your law enforcement equipment, training and other resource needs
If you’re tired of living with the OT cycle – spending more because you’ve worked more, which only causes you to have to work more – then read on
By combining salary and cost of living, Police1 has targeted the 10 best states for police officers
Many merchants offer special discounts to LEOs as a “thank you” for their service
The pension system is at least $33 billion short of paying the retirement benefits for officers, firefighters and others over the next 30 years
Over 1,000 agents have already hit the federally mandated caps for salary and overtime allowances meant to last an entire year
Jim and Doug discuss how to lay the foundation for a long and enjoyable retirement
This year’s plan to hire 400 new officers fell far short. Next year’s proposed budget calls for the hiring of 250 police officers
Jim and Doug discuss the prickly issue of public safety pensions
Give some meaningful consideration to what kind of future you want for your family in the event of an off-duty death versus dying in uniform
The DOJ told the cities that they will be ineligible for a new program that aims to root out drug trafficking and gang crime unless they work with ICE
Officers started leaving in droves due to the uncertainty of the police and fire pension, low morale and low pay in comparison to other area police departments
Some of the charges will include $75 to analyze a controlled substance and $550 for a DNA analysis
The sheriff’s office layoffs are in addition to more than 300 county job cuts to make up for the loss of anticipated revenue from the soda tax
More are expected to come, and the Cook County Sheriff’s Office predicts a possible 17 percent reduction in its workforce
The council voted 3-1 during a special called meeting to eliminate the city’s police department, effective immediately
In addition to the large pay boost for current officers, new officers will start at an 8 percent higher base pay
When the overall pension fund had losses, excess cash in flush years couldn’t make up the difference because it is sent to the cost-of-living adjustment fund
The Justice Department will help local authorities study crime patterns and create specially tailored plans to reduce gang and gun violence
Waco Police Association President Ken Reeves said he wants the city to look at the officers, and all their employees, as “more than just money”
Mayor Tom Barrett raised concerns that the PD budget is now greater than the tax levy for the entire city, and has been since 2016
The FHP is currently operating with 201 vacancies in a workforce that is supposed to be 1,946 at full capacity
Since the 2008 financial crisis, 74 percent of state pension plans and 57 percent of the largest local plans had cut some type of benefits or raised employee contributions
The mayor wants nearly $2.4M in pot taxes to be spent on the bureau’s Service Coordination Team and DUI training
Four lieutenants, two sergeants, five troopers and a class of 79 cadets were given layoff notices
The union said many widows of officers killed in the July 7 ambush and other officers have been “left suffering” due to the faulty pension plan