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On Day One of his administration, President Donald Trump made several moves which indicate a White House far different than the past eight years
How will Trump’s promise of unconditional support for law enforcement translate into policy changes?
When the public, the press and politicians say police don’t need tanks, these strategies can help you make that critical purchase
Obama said it would be useful to review how local law enforcement agencies have used federal grants that permit them to obtain heavier armaments
The American legal system is capable of providing independent evaluations of — and crafting remedies for — police excesses and overreaching when those occur
In Police1 “First Person” essays, Police1 Members candidly share their own unique personal insights on issues confronting cops today, as well as opinions, observations, and advice on living life behind the thin blue line
Police employ their Kevlar helmets, tactical vests, ballistic shields and armored vehicles when there is an identified heightened threat, not on regular patrol
The Third Amendment, with some procedural exceptions, is the one that prohibits the quartering of troops in private homes
Radley Balko’s new book on police militarization — and subsequent articles by him and others — signals the radicalization of America’s discourse on civilian law enforcement
In Police1 “First Person” essays, Police1 Members candidly share their own unique personal insights on issues confronting cops today, as well as opinions, observations, and advice on living life behind the thin blue line
To ensure the continuation of our historical civilian/military split, police agencies must not fail in their mission to suppress and respond to crime
Requiring a minimum police population of 100 officers to establish a SWAT team helps to keep standards high and overuse low
The public has nothing to fear from well-trained tactical teams made up of motivated Ethical Warriors
Affiliates will send open records requests to agencies to look at SWAT teams, drones, more
We should remember that our military forces have become more police-like while performing peace keeping and stability operations in both Iraq and Afghanistan
“Militarization” is seldom defined and has grown to mean whatever the author doesn’t like about modern law enforcement