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Police News

Need the most up-to-date news on patrol, investigation, law enforcement leadership, recruiting, staffing, training, and police officer safety? Catch up on the latest news in the law enforcement world.

Officers arrested dozens of protesters after their advance into the protest camp was met with fierce resistance
“He was the best man I will ever know. And I hope to be just like him,” Theo James Elliott wrote about his father, N.C. Department of Adult Correction Investigator William “Alden” Elliott
Calling their work a “missed opportunity,” the auditor recommended the city adopt a policy to help leaders in different departments coordinate their grant application efforts
The Court ruled that the cost of the measure was misrepresented to voters before the election
Gov. Brian Kemp signed House Bill 1105, which will punish sheriffs who don’t notify immigration agents once they have identified that someone may be in the country illegally
The grants will help ensure local communities have the resources and capabilities to prevent threats to the homeland
“This is the first police building in the 104-year history of Severance,” Police Chief Ken Chavez said. “I hope you take pride in it”
Daniel Jenkins, along with two other men, plotted to kill the detective after he testified against Jenkins in a robbery case in 1985
When Monroe County DA Sandra Doorley resisted commands during a traffic stop, the responding officer demonstrated essential tactics for upholding professionalism
A recent spate of LODDs requires immediate action against the rising incivility, failed criminal justice reforms and the mental health crisis that endanger police officers’ lives
Our experts debate if an emphasis on traditional attire is misplaced given more critical challenges like severe understaffing
Attempts by the NYPD to reinstate stricter uniform and grooming standards has sparked a broader conversation about the role of appearance in law enforcement credibility
From a compromised crime scene to controversial police conduct, the O.J. Simpson case offers a study on the pitfalls that can derail justice
If Police1 had existed in 1994, I would have used Nicole Brown Simpson’s tragic life and death to give context to the complexities of domestic violence calls

From May 1-31, 2024, entrants are eligible to win a special edition Luke Cao handgun.
Redefining secure portable environments
The guide is a reference tool for emergency managers and first responders interested in learning about the products, services and capabilities available with FirstNet, the nationwide public safety broadband network
Virtual event will take place on May 22 and provide expert advice from industry leaders regarding how to combat a dangerous practice that is increasing in frequency and severity
Next generation BearTrap adds 360-degree horizontal rotation feature