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Police1 Research Center

Find the latest information about research conducted by law enforcement organizations and academic institutions such as the National Police Foundation, the Police Executive Research Forum (PERF) and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), among other organizations focused on officer wellness, intelligence-led policing and LEO safety issues. Research recently shared includes ‘resistance-related injuries’ among officers, the experience of minority applicants during the police recruitment process, and preventing vehicle crashes and injuries among officers.

The renowned criminologist talks about the need to develop effective strategies and programs to reduce gun violence and hold offenders accountable
“We are now walking the path we need to walk for true suicide prevention.”
Researchers are working to improve the measurement of death by suicide of law enforcement officers in the United States
Jerry Ratcliffe provides practical guidance for police leaders to incorporate research-based strategies in their daily operations
Full-time female peace officers are requested for a survey that looks at factors that are potentially causing the underrepresentation of women in law enforcement
Recommendations include re-examining hiring processes, updating hiring standards and offering recruitment incentives such as take-home vehicles
Police1’s State of the Industry survey highlights the bleak effects of understaffing on officer safety – here are some strategies officers can use to prevail
Key takeaways after reading the revealing input in Police1’s State of the Industry survey of cops standing on the beleaguered thin blue line
In an NIJ podcast, LEADS Scholars from three police departments discuss how they worked with community organizations and used evidence-based policing to reduce gun violence
The American Sniper Association has produced a defining resource designed to assist SWAT teams in structuring training, buying equipment and planning deployments