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Tactical EMS / TEMS

The Tactical EMS / TEMS topic area gives officers all the relevant news and information they need to keep up to date on this ever-changing element of critical injury care and medical response.

Many PDs find themselves without available funds to conduct training necessary to better prepare them for when a crisis occurs; here’s a solution to that problem
Inspired by a simple care package for a deployed Marine, Aaron Negherbon has created a lifeline for under-resourced police departments
Jim Dudley speaks with Eric Thomas O’Neal about adding yet another dimension to today’s law enforcement officer, that of a trained emergency medical responder
Trooper Matthew Soeder immediately put a tourniquet on a victim’s leg, which his parents said saved their son’s life
Two Ohio police officers should be commended for saving a suspect’s life with a chest seal they purchased, but this shouldn’t be the norm or the expectation
The police union is now calling on the department to ensure officers are equipped with all the lifesaving equipment they need – without spending their own money
M.A.R.C.H. is a guide for early intervention and care for life-threatening bleeding, airway compromise and inadequate breathing
Five years after the Route 91 Harvest festival shooting, first responders have access to a 50,000-square-foot high-tech tactical training center
“You’re not going to lose your arm,” officers say to the man who was shot in the shoulder
The program was launched this month and employs officers who transitioned from correctional duties to assist on ambulance calls as needed
Caitlin Emanuel was shot with her own weapon during a suspect struggle; Tyler Spell put a tourniquet on her leg and transported her to a hospital in his cruiser
Good Samaritans helped Trooper Jonnie Schooley out of a mini-mart to stop the bleeding from his gunshot wound
One citizen was a nurse on his way to work and fashioned a makeshift tourniquet
Read, save and share these resources to ensure each public safety agency is ready to respond and collaborate while on scene of your next potential MCI
A deeper dive into Unified Command and its common terminology, plus best practices
Sgt. Jason Bonczynski was praised for his quick response and life-saving skills
The county has set up free vending machines and sent medical teams with naloxone out to encampments
The scene was chaos. All the officers knew was that someone had been shot and needed their help
First responders are deeply troubled by what one is calling a cluster of fentanyl cases
LEOs must develop fundamental knowledge and skills in tactical operations to credibly address horrific active shooter incidents
Officer Jeff Buettner suffered minor injuries himself, but helped calm and treat other motorists
‘Nero’s Law’ is named after a K-9 who was severely injured in the line of duty
Officer Brett Morava and Lt. Glenn McCune have used an AED not once, but twice to save lives in the last few years
Along with a new vendor for their bleeding program, the American College of Surgeons also debuted its branded C-A-T, a “true self-applied, one-handed tourniquet”
The lightweight kit features necessary medical components in a compact, rugged shell
Rapid response is key when it comes to emergency hemorrhage incidents
The officer said he didn’t try to stop the bleeding because he feared causing more harm to the man
The incident was not only deadly, it was also tactically eye-opening
The law would allow first responders to treat wounded K-9s onsite instead of waiting for a veterinarian
Tips and tricks for patrol officers without significant medical training and limited supplies
The kits will go to patrols in more rural areas where response time is slower
Each EMT-certified trooper will now carry advanced equipment for trauma, airway management and other medical emergencies
Increase the challenge by adding realism to your training scenarios