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Traffic Safety

Mobile devices like tablets and e-citation printers can make traffic stops safer by making them more efficient
Addressing a leading cause of line-of-duty deaths
Please indicate the scenarios where a vehicle pursuit is deemed permissible by selecting the appropriate options below
The traffic investigators will not be able to cite or arrest drivers; they will conduct traffic investigations, write reports and assist drivers with road issues
A passing driver noticed Deputy Fred Fislar was down and used his radio to notify dispatchers
Deputies with the Onondaga County Sheriff’s Office will also be using their Air One helicopter and patrolling the county waterways by boat to help handle expected traffic problems from eclipse watchers
Many law enforcement agencies in states that are in the path of totality are prepping for the influx of visitors to their jurisdictions
“Trooper Isaiah “Doesn’t Miss Leg Day” Lemasters was able to move this traffic hazard off the roadway for you,” the Missouri State Highway Patrol posted on X
The $100,000 grant is expected to allow Portland police to more than double the number of enforcement missions they undertake
The trooper was sitting in the driver’s seat when a vehicle driven by a 16-year-old boy drifted off the road and hit the police cruiser that was parked on the right shoulder
The money will be used for educational resources regarding speeding and bike and pedestrian safety, as well as road safety testing
“[This grant allows] us to teach safe behaviors to ... children in our community by providing walking courses and bicycle trainings, as well as distributing free helmets and safety equipment,” Salinas PD Chief Roberto Filice stated
Evolving from community skepticism to buy-in
Each year, the NLEOMF presents awards to departments who are committed to increasing officer wellness and reducing line-of-duty deaths or injuries
The trooper was dragged several yards down the pavement, curling his legs up into his body while holding onto the car before he landed in the middle of traffic
Learn ways to reduce the risk of injury or escalation during traffic stops, patrols and roadway incidents
Officers Tyler Hawes and Andrew Dotas were wounded when a man opened fire on them from his car, about 15 to 20 feet away from the officers
Setina offers a wide range of push bumpers that can be tailored to any agency’s needs and budget
Officer Elizabeth Minter was “knocked out of her boots” by a speeding vehicle while she was directing traffic around a crash on Interstate 65
A deputy was attempting to initiate a traffic stop with a driver who was doing “donuts” when the suspect vehicle intentionally dove into the cruiser
Because of the seriousness of his injuries, a helicopter was called in to fly Deputy Lahera to a trauma center where he remains in critical condition
Los Angeles could, for example, use unarmed civilians to enforce “safety-related traffic violations” such as speeding, the report recommends
The video shows a man, who is eventually able to make his way to the front seat of his car, struggling with two state troopers
The online tool allows people to report violations such as speeding, racing and reckless driving by filling out a survey rather than calling 911
The 2021 final numbers confirmed earlier estimates showing a 10.5% increase in deaths over 2020
Officer Jordan Steinke entered the plea a week after a second-degree felony assault charge was dropped
Officer Jordan Steinke still faces charges in the incident where she placed the suspect inside a patrol vehicle parked on railroad tracks
The 40-page lawsuit states that the defendants did not provide a safe environment and prevent foreseeable injury during her 2022 arrest
Compared to other nations, the U.S. is a far more dangerous place for pedestrians, cyclists and motorists