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Travis Yates

Police Driving: Safety Behind the Wheel

Major Travis Yates is a Commander with the Tulsa (OK) Police Department. His Seminars in Risk Management & Officer Safety have been taught across the United States & Canada. Major Yates has a Master of Science Degree in Criminal Justice and is a graduate of the FBI National Academy. He is the Director of Training for SAFETAC Training and the Director of Ten-Four Ministries, dedicated to providing practical and spiritual support to the law enforcement community.

Contact Travis Yates

It has never been a problem for others to discuss our mistakes but our profession doesn’t exactly scrutinize itself
An often invisible enemy awaits to take the lives of America’s Finest
The unfortunate fact remains that many of our heroes in uniform are dying because of their actions behind the wheel
There are countless individuals and organizations now poised to be ‘the tipping point’ when it comes to reducing line of duty deaths and injuries caused from roadways
The Risk Homeostasis Theory can be applied to law enforcement in a variety of ways, including our willingness to ignore proven safety devices and proven safety measures
Since 1999, 43 percent of the officers that have died behind the wheel of the car have done so in single car collisions and this trend remains in 2011
We have to place a proper perspective on our career versus our family.
The Missouri Law Enforcement Funeral Assistance Team and Ten-Four Ministries combine efforts with Police1 to raise funds for the officers in the Joplin area who lost their homes or sustained major damage