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Veterans Resources

Warriors Heart offers tested treatments by competent mental health professionals that can help restore your life
Even if you don’t make a donation today, donations to these worthy first responder charities are always appreciated
Hero Pups, a nonprofit, volunteer-based organization, places therapy dogs with veterans, firefighters, police officers and EMS providers
A web-based police training course outlines public safety de-escalation tactics for military veterans in crisis
These restaurants and retailers are offering discounts to celebrate, thank and honor all those who have served in the U.S. military
Kane County (IL) is using alternative court programs to help military veterans heal their brains and their bodies
We owe the one-half of one percent who don the uniform the opportunity to acclimate back into society and deal with any demons from their military service
Not only do many veterans find law enforcement appealing but employers are typically eager to hire former military personnel
The Bipartisan Safer Communities Act includes funding to expand mental health and support services in schools
Considering how many individuals transition between the military and law enforcement, we can begin to understand the high rates of PTSD among police
A few clicks, a bit of information and some documentation will kick-start your journey to receiving disability payments
Armed with your education benefit, you can help make your application stand out amongst the crowd
Department of Veterans Affairs police officers are considered federal employees that protect the nation’s veteran health care facilities
The FBI hosted a Facebook live interview with two special agents who have prior military service
Police departments need your courage, decisiveness and judgment
Businesses across the country are offering everything from free meals to discounts to honor the nation’s veterans
Ever read an article on PTSD and wondered, “Does my spouse have this?”
A look inside one of our nation’s first “warriors only” PTSD treatment plans.
The American flag is considered a living symbol under federal law. We must treat it as such.
It might soon be possible for Veterans to buy homes priced at one million dollars or more with no down payment using their VA loan benefits
This is not your grandparent’s SAH grant. Bigger dollar amounts and automatic eligibility for some make the benefit more practical for today’s disabled veterans
Planning to buy a home in the coming year? VA loan limits and the latest Veteran data from the VA and Census offer insight on whether the $0 down payment loan program is adequate for military homebuyers
Wondering how much money you can borrow with a VA loan? Want to know more about Specially Adapted Housing (SAH) Grants? Top VA specialized lender answers the most common questions about the VA home loan benefit
The research suggests that some of their views may be influenced by common misconceptions
There aren’t many nine-to-five jobs that offer the same excitement you experienced in the military
Meditation may be one of the most surprising and useful treatments for PTSD, here’s why.
On Memorial Day, many retailers treat veterans for their service, as a way to thank them
For every upside of a VA loan, there is an obstacle to watch out for, too.