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2019 Year in Review

As we turn the page on this decade, take a look back at some of the biggest moments from 2019 and predictions from industry leaders on what the future will bring for law enforcement.

Can police, fire and EMS overcome the challenges we faced in the 2010s to prosper in the 2020s?
From the LEOSA Reform Act to police use of CBD oils, here are some of the most popular Policing Matters podcasts of the year
From small acts to big ones, police officers did good all over this country every day in 2019
With 2020 about to commence, Jim and Doug reflect on some of the topics that rose above the rest in the past 12 months
Here are the events and technologies the P1 team and our readership viewed as having the most significant impact on the profession in the last decade
Police1 publishes a lot of content every year – here are some professional changes to make based on articles penned in 2019
Events in 2019 signal a top-down renewed appreciation for law enforcement officers that will hopefully continue into the next decade
Excessive force, warrantless blood draws and civil asset forfeiture were some of the issues SCOTUS addressed in 2019
Regionalization, privatization, consolidation of agencies and outsourcing will all be part of policing in the future
Police1 columnists are not the only writers sharing information – officers also share their wisdom and wisecracks in the comments section below each article