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10 strange places cops have found guns

#1. In a diaper bag strapped around the mom’s shoulders with her baby in her arms walking into a courtroom/jail


This gun discovery by the NYPD is just one example of the creative ways individuals try to hide weapons.

NYPD/Twitter Image

By Police1 Staff

After police found a loaded gun inside a hollowed-out lockbox made to resemble a bible, we were inspired to ask our Facebook fans to recount the times they’ve found guns in strange places.

Check out our list of their answers below, and be sure to read our column on the importance of conducting thorough searches.

  1. “In a diaper bag strapped around the mom’s shoulders with her baby in her arms ... walking into a courtroom/jail.” – Brian Golio
  2. “I served a narco warrant on a female’s nether region and the doctor recovered a large bag of cocaine and a small .38 semi-auto. All I heard the doctor and nurses say as they were searching on my behalf was, ‘Oh my God, oh my God!’” – Robert Baker
  3. “Oven mitts on the kitchen wall. It was a big mess everywhere in the house [except for] the two nicely placed mitts on the wall.” – Peter Phanine
  4. “Inside the electrical box in a cabin. I looked inside when I realized the cabin never had power.” – Michael Seligsohn
  5. “A Mac 11 with three full 30-round mags in an 11-year-old’s pants.” – David Fee
  6. “A woman asked to go to the bedroom and get a box of tissues during a domestic dispute for her ‘crying.’ Since there weren’t any tears, I got her the tissue box and found it heavy with a .22 long two-barrel Derringer.” – William Saunders
  7. “During a search warrant, found a large magnet in a desk drawer, looked underneath the drawer and saw that the magnet was holding up a 1911.” – Lorange AE
  8. “Wrapped in aluminum in a freezer … under frozen fish.” – David Mothkovich
  9. “In a wig on someone’s head!” – Patricia Vaughn
  10. “Guy was sitting on it in a wheelchair. The muzzle was sticking out from behind the cushion.” – Nicolai Ginoviev Adelekan

This article, originally published August 31, 2015, has been updated with current information.

“The Question” section brings together user-generated articles from the Police1 Facebook page based on questions we pose to our followers, as well as some of the best content we find on Quora, a question-and-answer website created, edited and organized by its community of users who are often experts in their field. The site aggregates questions and answers for a range of topics, including public safety.

The views and opinions expressed in the questions and answers posted directly from Quora do not necessarily reflect those of P1.