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Kids playing in woods find wallet, badge Ohio sheriff lost 12 years ago

The department posted the unlikely lost-and-found story on Facebook


Madeline Mitchell
Cincinnati Enquirer

BUTLER COUNTY, Ohio — A couple of kids found Butler County Sheriff Richard K. Jones’ long lost wallet in the woods by their house on Tuesday, according to a post from the Sheriff’s Office.

Jones says he lost his wallet at least 12 years ago while hiking – and now, thanks to a sibling challenge to “survive the wilderness,” he has it back once again.

According to the post, Chad Oberholtzer’s two children, ages 7 and 9, asked their dad to set a timer for 30 minutes to see if they could last that long in the woods in their neighborhood. While out in the “wild,” the kids discovered Jones’ wallet.[0]=68.ARA6iMlGmUJfZfGwecwiZmZfbclrDLgCgfUkKZctfcIObLkx5TrPUqdm7p2PU-zBKYsF-1IzQ-OgUG2M69fs-HSmStX8Lj5yXg22KTHOapXlkxfUVB5ynHQAwwxvoAmR_cCKkwS2MRTLc7H_hklpHbtATeIrqeteyoDHC0EyRfPtwpeHZqq_qwmQIToI5NqMo9ucvuoOP62w677a2Wry57HalCXx21mcrHMUGJR-zYsLZOrABX8SlWJw1rgKlmSzblghDwJUoIfWnSAW-OsxGso_qNgSTdMT8o1NzMBzW_hN6c_Lqr5XGMIcMsmSx1IF2pRxRt7InyOD1oMZkojiAI-y0w&__tn__=-R

The Sheriff’s Office posted photos of the wallet and thanked Oberholtzer and his kids for returning the lost property.

“We’re glad you survived your adventure,” the release states.