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Cell Phone Search

As this issue continues to evolve, do your best to keep informed on the latest developments
The court stated that using the suspect’s thumbprint required no mental exertion on his part and fell into the same category as a blood test taken at booking
The court determines the permissibility of a warrant that allowed for the search of a cloud account with no time limitation
Smith Myers, designer and developer of ARTEMIS, Software Defined Radio and cellular protocol stacks designed and optimized for SAR deployment, brings life-saving and award-winning ARTEMIS to Mountain Rescue Teams and First Responders
The ruling recommends law enforcement agencies adopt protocols to pull data from the devices under more narrow parameters
A protester arrested in 2020 claimed that a lengthy, warrantless seizure of her cellphone violated her Fourth Amendment rights
The New Jersey Supreme Court is weighing whether LEOs can force suspects to unlock phones during an investigation
Burner phone users can no longer hide critical evidence from investigators
The 2014 calendar brought us five significant cases which impact officers’ understanding of Fourth Amendment limits, both in its extension and restrictions