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When negative thoughts become habitual or are applied in the wrong context, they can be damaging
Crusadism is a type of defense mechanism in which people deal with their pain by distracting themselves through productive and prosocial behavior
Depression in policing is real and more common than any statistic might show because most of us won’t admit it
I know the landmines are there, but awareness alone won’t prevent the darkness of depression from creeping in
Officers know that their work entails navigating and struggling with stress; here’s why personal wellness advocacy is important
Spending time in nature is the way to learn perspective, pacing and humility
Some LEOs and other first responders say the scale, sadness and sometimes sheer gruesomeness of their experiences haunt them
I remember my doctor telling me, “Kevin, you have depression. How do you feel about that?” My first thought was, “How the hell do you think I feel about it?”