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Former RCMP officer invents marijuana breathalyzer

A former British Columbia RCMP officer has co-invented a marijuana breathalyzer he hopes will eventually be used to catch intoxicated motorists

CTV News

VANCOUVER, Canada — A former British Columbia RCMP officer has co-invented a marijuana breathalyzer he hopes will eventually be used to catch motorists who “drug and drive.”

“People are becoming very afraid to drink and drive nowadays because they feel that they will get caught and charged, but they’re not afraid to drug and drive because they don’t feel that law enforcement will do anything about it,” Kal Malhi told CTV Vancouver on Sunday.

Dubbed the Cannabix Breathalyzer, Malhi’s device works in a similar way to a traditional breath analyzer police officers use to test drivers suspected of operating a vehicle while inebriated. The device, which is pending a patent and still has to undergo further field testing, could potentially detect if cannabis was used within the previous two hours.

Full Story: Ex-RCMP officer co-invents marijuana breathalyzer