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Emergency evacuation is the immediate and rapid movement of people away from the threat or actual occurrence of a hazard. Examples range from the small scale evacuation of a building due to a bomb threat or fire to the large scale evacuation of a district because of a flood, bombardment or approaching weather system.

Here are some ways you can give back to first responders who are responding to the wildfires, often as they lose their own homes
Leading emergency communications technology helps protect residents and visitors
Body camera footage shows flames engulfing the front porch as the officers run to the back door
San Diego law enforcement and fire agencies will use the unique siren to warn the public about natural disasters, SWAT standoffs and other evacuation incidents
The warning siren will be used for all disasters, including wildfires, earthquakes and floods
Multiple shots were fired Saturday evening in a suburban Atlanta mall, prompting a frantic rush by shoppers to evacuate
A bomb squad and HazMat were called in to inspect a package atop a rail car that turned out to be 2 kilos of marijuana
Airport was evacuated after police found suspicious packages in garage, terminal; Jacksonville Sheriff spokesman says one was taken offsite due to destructive nature
Boom was traced to a battery in a hydraulic ladder in lobby that was used for insulation project
The university says state, federal and local law enforcement agencies are investigating
Workers could be seen carrying cribs and children from the day care center in the court house
State police are launching a criminal investigation of a company after finding the explosive material was stored illegally
The evacuation order was posted on the university’s website Friday as a “Code Maroon” warning