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Evidence Management

Is your PD thinking about starting a redaction program or making your current system better? Read these key takeaways to ensure you’re on the right path
NFTs could bring iron-clad authenticity to every component of police records, evidence collection and storage
Connect Atlanta, a public safety program linking the city’s Axis cameras with 15,000+ private business and residential cameras, helps police investigate crimes
Simplify digital evidence management through AI technology
Cellebrite Inseyets is designed for advanced and rapid extraction of comprehensive evidence from the latest Android and iOS devices
A ticket to Axon Week 2024 gets you access to both TASERCON and Axon Accelerate
Lithium-Ion rechargeable batteries, survival ammo and a Faraday bag caught my attention
This innovative body-worn camera and digital evidence collection and management solution enhances law enforcement capabilities
The new app, which is compatible with Android and iOS devices, includes enhancements to the heads-up display, as well as new modes and features
AI functionalities include AI Video Redaction, Automated Transcription of Voice-Captured Video, AI-Assisted Contextual Content Search, and AI Video Content Review
How cloud, robotics, & AI are accelerating government productivity
The 2023 IACP Conference set the tone for Cellebrite’s continued partnership with law enforcement agencies in fighting crime
William Anthony Spivey pleaded guilty to 14 felonies and one misdemeanor after he was accused of stealing confiscated weapons and selling them to friends
How your agency can sift through digital data to solve investigations faster, easier
Here’s what your peers place as a priority
Policy-based recording and AI-assisted automation let officers do more with less, more safely
With the exception of just eight salvaged barrels, all of the evidence stored in the warehouse was lost in the inferno
From evidence collection and evidence submission that provides transparency, analytics, centralized storage, and automated workflows to keep your evidence streamlined throughout the investigation and case management process.
Once the fire is under control, police property specialists will go inside and see what has been destroyed and what can be salvaged
The products span a variety of categories including digital evidence management, license plate capture and evidence-collection
Learn about strategies and technologies to address top challenges and help clear cases faster.
Find out more about audio and video redaction best practices, as well as the value of procuring a video redaction service provider
How often do you audit, inventory and inspect your evidence room?
Hear how agencies can be the driver of change from panelists with decades of experience in public safety practice, innovation and technology.
A DEMS is the virtual command post for managing all the digital evidence a police department collects