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Police responsibility to regularly maintain equipment and gear

When regular maintenance is not being conducted, it puts not only convictions at risk, but possibly even lives

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In New Jersey, some 20,000 DUI arrests are in jeopardy because of false verifications due to aging and inaccurate equipment. Agencies are required to conduct regular maintenance of a variety of types of equipment, and yet it would appear that in some cases, that regular maintenance is not being conducted, putting not only convictions at risk, but possibly even lives. In this podcast segment, Jim and Doug discuss the responsibility for agencies to check to be sure their gear is in good working order.

Learn more

8 steps for maintaining your duty gear

How to maintain safe and operational police firearms

How to take care of and maintain police body armor

Scenario-based training on a budget

Policing Matters law enforcement podcast with host Jim Dudley features law enforcement and criminal justice experts discussing critical issues in policing