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The importance of coordinated response to a mass casualty event

Implementing a flexible response policy is key to effective management of critical events


What’s New in Blue is a series of short videos from the COPS Office that feature informative discussions about ideas worth spreading throughout American policing in a format useful for viewing in roll call, training classes, or sharing with colleagues and across social media.

In this episode, Dr. J. Pete Blair – a professor of criminal justice and the executive director of the ALERRT Center at Texas State University – speaks about the importance of coordinating responses among law enforcement, fire services and medical community to respond to active shooter/critical incidents.

In FY 2017, the COPS Office made an award to the ALERRT Center at Texas State University to increase law enforcement and public safety through scenario-based training that prepares officers and other first responders to handle active-shooter and other violent threats safely and effectively.

Additional resources on multi-agency response to an MCI

Why public safety agencies must train together to improve MCI response

8 essential truths about MCI response plans in the wake of the Vegas shooting

How police, fire and EMS can coordinate active shooter response

Why police agencies need to embrace the Incident Command System

Why public safety needs an integrated response plan for acts of mass violence