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Officer-Worn Cameras in Law Enforcement

Dealing with dubious and costly citizen complaints becomes a whole lot easier when you deploy body-worn cameras in conjunction with robust digital evidence management. In this special report, we focus on the new technology available to police departments and how it can benefit officers on the street.

During IACP 2012 in San Diego, TASER International CEO Rick Smith joined a group of panelists to illustrate for the attendees why the cloud makes sense for law enforcement
Departments considering the introduction of personal video recorders will commonly ask two questions
This lightweight camera system lets you see and hear what your K-9 does – in real time – for greater situational awareness and to capture high-definition evidence
The officer repeatedly told the suspect to drop the large knife
New York’s police union moved to appeal a state court ruling allowing the public to see body camera footage
Non-working body cameras have been a recurring issue, a department spokeswoman said
More cops than not want to have a body-worn camera — and they want it as soon as possible
LEOs from across the country, and from agencies of all sizes, are increasingly seeing body-worn video as something that can protect them from false complaints
Dealing with dubious and costly citizen complaints becomes a whole lot easier when you deploy video technology in conjunction with robust digital evidence management