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Video: Ill. LEO swerves off road to avoid being hit by train

Dash camera footage shows the officer approaching the tracks with the crossing gate still raised


Officer Peter Staglewicz was driving toward the train crossing when he swerved left into a traffic island to avoid what could have been a tragedy

Photo/ Officer Peter Stanglewicz via Facebook

By Police1 Staff

MOKENA, Ill. — An Illinois officer is calling himself lucky after he narrowly avoided being hit by a speeding train.

According to ABC News, Officer Peter Staglewicz was driving toward the train crossing when he swerved left into a traffic island to avoid what could have been a tragedy.

On dash camera video, the officer can be seen driving up to the tracks with the crossing gate still raised. Lights start flashing and the gate drops seconds before the train blows through the intersection.

“Throughout my life, I’ve had very little luck,” Staglewicz wrote on Facebook. “I’ve bought tons of raffle tickets, from little league tickets to charity raffles. Every lottery ticket was a loser. I just thought I wasn’t born with luck at all. Little did I know, I had luck, I was just saving it all up for the perfect time.”

The near-miss was blamed on a mechanical issue and was fixed a few hours later.