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Pepper Spray

Interactions with suspects can go from calm to violent within seconds, and officers need multiple tools to respond to varying levels of non-compliance
Reflex Protect Presidia Gel doesn’t spread once sprayed, and its effects can be easily reversed once compliance is achieved for quicker relief to the suspect and a quicker return to duty for the officer
The inmate was being transported back to the correctional center when he created a disturbance in the back of a cruiser; when the deputy checked on him, he pepper sprayed the deputy
“Do not reach for that gun,” says one Fort Worth officer in the video, which shows the clash between officers and protestors with firearms and body armor
“The public has access to this product and can use it against us. You have to know how to defend against it.”
Officers can use a new, sticky spray to subdue suspects safely in more situations, without affecting themselves or bystanders
Montpelier Police Chief Brian Peete says the gel should do the job but with fewer painful symptoms
A detective and a doctor explain why Presidia Gel and Reflex Remove close the gap when it comes to self-defense and why they both carry it on the job
A judge ruled Officer Richard Nicoletti had been authorized by his commanders to clear the highway and had been given pepper spray as a tool to do so
The Board of Education approved a plan to cut one-third of its officers and ban the use of pepper spray on students
Police tried to keep the groups apart after several skirmishes, while some in the crowd threw rocks and used pepper spray on officers
A Portland resident was arrested and charged with a slew of felonies
Video of the incident circulated on social media, prompting an uproar
“We were attacked with rocks, and we had to defend our officers,” Aurora Interim Police Chief Vanessa Wilson said
The motion seeks to end restrictions on when police can use chemical agents such as pepper spray and tear gas to break up protests
Floyd County Sheriff Darrell Mills said proper procedure was taken to prevent woman from harming herself
Jon Meis and other students stopped the gunman Thursday at Seattle Pacific University
Four people, including a young man who died, were taken to Harborview Medical Center