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‘NYPD lieutenant’ twins, 5, travel nationwide to recognize police officers

What started off as a gesture of thanks to an NYPD precinct has now gone viral on social media


Police1 Staff

NEW YORK CITY — Five-year-old twin brothers Aaron and Evan Rolon have traveled to police precincts around the country, dressed in miniature uniforms, to show law enforcement officers their appreciation.

Their parents, Kelly Caceres and Alejandro Rolon, told Fox News it all started when the boys were driving their toy Range Rover on the sidewalk outside their home in 2017. As a joke, NYPD officers driving by put their lights on, coming around to the boys’ car with their ticket books.

“I said, ‘Oh, you’re going to get a ticket. You’re riding on the sidewalk,’” Rolon told Fox News. “…And it was just so real. And everybody was just like, wow, are they really getting a ticket? But, you know, it was a joke.”

That encounter got Caceres and Rolon thinking of ways to give something back to the officers who took the time to interact with their sons.

“As a thank you to the NYPD, I decided to dress them up as miniature cops with a little police car,” Caceres told Fox News. “And I just took them to the police. And the reaction was priceless. They loved it. And then after that, I was getting invitations to go to other police departments and we would do roll call with them.”

The twins have been to almost every precinct in New York City, plus precincts in Boston, Atlanta and Washington, D.C. Their parents document their visits with officers on their Instagram and Twitter pages.

While both boys have a long way to go before pinning on a real badge, they both have public service aspirations; Aaron wants to be a police officer, while Evan emphatically insists he will be a firefighter.

“We will support them in whatever they want to do,” Rolon told Fox News. “Maybe one day they’ll run into each other. … They’re both great jobs saving people. That’s fine by me.”