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SHOT Show 2011: 4Sevens Quark tactical lights


The thimble-sized Quark 123 runs about 175 max lumens.

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I had an opportunity to look at three different flashlight models from 4Sevens. The company is already known for advanced circuitry and brightness. They put a lot of light into a tiny package and I have been hearing great things about them from the street.

The most interesting weapon-mounted product I saw at SHOT 2011 is their remote pressure switch, designed for several of their models. Unlike the ones I use on my AR and shotguns, this one uses an electronic — as opposed to mechanical — switch. This makes a more sensitive and reliable weapon mount, capable of thousands of actuations. I noticed immediately that it was touch sensitive and hard to fool, even when not mounted on a weapon.

The two other models that are of most interest to law enforcement officers are the Quark AA and Quark 123 models. The thimble-sized Quark 123 (in the photo to the right) runs about 175 max lumens, almost twice the brightness of most patrol lights, with about the same runtime.

All of the tactical flashlight models from 4Sevens are user programmable for brightness and strobing. At the booth, the folks from 4Sevens talked me through the process of programming a Quark AA2 tactical model. It only took a second to become proficient.

Lindsey Bertomen is a retired police officer and retired military small arms trainer. He teaches criminal justice at Hartnell College in Salinas, California. He has a BS in Criminal Justice and an MS in Online Teaching and Learning. Lindsey has taught shooting techniques for over a decade. His articles on firearms tactics have appeared in print for over a decade. Lindsey enjoys competing in shooting sports, running, and cycling events.