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Walnut Creek Police Officers Association Endorses The WRAP

Walnut Creek, Ca. - The Walnut Creek Police Officers Association recently announced their endorsement of The WRAP safety restraint device. The WRAP is produced and promoted by Safe Restraints Inc. ‘The WRAP’ is a safety restraint device for non-cooperative subjects and is currently in over 450 different Law Enforcement and other Institutions across the US and Canada.

The Walnut Creek Police Officers Association serves a city of 66,000 people and located in central Contra Costa County, Calif. The Association has a membership of over one hundred. Having been associated with The WRAP since 1996 and was the first to adopt The WRAP, the Walnut Creek Police Officers Association is led by President Mike Watson and Vice-President Drew Olson.

According to President Mike Watson, “The Walnut Creek POA maintains a policy of one WRAP per patrol car and we are committed to using The WRAP both in our jail and on patrol. The WRAP’s ability to shorten the non-cooperative arrest and control situations, along with the added safety features for all parties involved, are what we count on every day to enhance our ability to keep our officers and community safe. It has been such an effective tool that over time is has evolved as a critically important tool in our line-up of policing resources. The WRAP’s ability to reduce injuries for all parties involved, reduce the likelihood for property damage, and limit officer civil liability exposure make it a key tool in our service to our community.”

Click here to view the official endorsement letter for The WRAP by the Walnut Creek Police Officers Association.