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Vote To Help A Fellow Police Officer During Disability Awareness Month

Your vote could help support Officer Michael Darst of the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Deptartment.

Officer Darst and his wife have a 7 month old son that is suffering from a severe physical disability. As a result young Colton has very limited use of his arms and legs, therefore greatly reducing his mobility. As part of Mobility Awareness Month the family has entered a contest to win a disability van. They are hoping to be awarded the van, as it will have a positive impact on their lives; by helping to alleviate some of the stress of regular doctor’s visits to a hospital that is over three hours away. The family that recieves the most votes by May 10th will be awarded the Disability Van.

You can help officer Darst and his family by casting your vote today. Go to to vote for Colton Darst and support your fellow officers and the law enforcement community.