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How to make your case for a 21st century predictive policing program

Learn why every agency needs a predictive policing program and where to find grants to pay for it

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Police departments continue to see the benefits of predictive policing tools to more effectively stave off crime in their community. However, purse string holders need to be convinced of the benefits of any technology-based program before budgeting for it.

That’s why our editors worked with industry experts to provide this essential how-to guide, which provides expert tips on how to make a case to decision makers about the importance of predictive policing programs.

In this free how-to predictive policing guide, you will learn:

  • How to pitch a predictive policing program to purse-string holders
  • Why every agency needs a predictive policing program
  • Where to find grants to help pay for a predictive policing program
  • And much more!

Download the free guide by filling out the form below.